ANZAC day. MC and Michelle organised a day of FUN for all hosanians, with sack races, two legged races, tug of war, balancing ping-pong balls on teaspoons, using our faces to find white mentos(es) in a tray full of flour( AHHHHH) and the scavenger hunt. Yikes! The hunt actually included a team member's underwear( and states, "take off and show") . What are these people thinking? NO, im not taking off just to win the game and lose my self-pride, no no.. Leonard actually took his off, ahem, while wearing pants.>:' But that group didnt win too, so, what's the point then?
My emotions took the hold on me when after uncle D asked the two to join the organizing committee for the moon cake festival, i totally Backed out from everything, no more Touch and Movie night and Phase tens...
Ive given up.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Shops and more shops? I AM fainting due to high levels of happy hormones!
Need i to say more?
GO ERICA GO! She won 50 tickets ( to redeem gifts, crap stuff, if you ask me...) on a SpongeBOB square pants machine. then we put all our tickets together and it mounted up to this amount. Exchanged it for a set of Frisbees but actually never got the chance to play cause it so was damn COLD. game is this called? Me and Ida were tied. Vengeance SOON...yes...very soon....
Hey guys and girls! Ive just got some more pics of when we went to Glenelg and have pleasure viewing!
Happy new year 2008!
Me, Ida, Ivy, Pearl and Chirstina hanging out.
To celebrate the new year, we hung out out at Ivy's place. We had steamboat and it was awesome. Real full. Spent quite a lot on the food though, there was mussels, mushrooms, verticimelli, chips, drinks, crab meat, fish balls, prawn balls, squid balls and other steamboat must-haves. We counted down on the hill of Ivy's house that overlooked the city. Man, there were fireworks and they look so very tiny from where we stood. :p But still, we had a GreAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt time.
we popped a bottle of sparkling juice to toast to the new year and made new year resolutions. I've got one at the time, and it was (drumroll please, ... thank you!) to lose weight!!
Yeah right, that's so common right?
Yes ,yes it its common! But so very hard to achieve!!
Aha! I sense a slight tinge of negativity?
Gollum syndrome again. Back to topic.
Im head over heels over Friends! I've watched five seasons in two weeks and i rock for that. Mua hahahahaha....
Gah! Why must pics in mirrors look so good?
I was so puzzled why were they all asleep on the first day of new year that my expression was like this.wakikiki...:)
look at that food!!! There were a lot of leftovers that night.
One, two, 2 and three quarters, SMILE!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Ive got a new roomate!
Well, well, well. My ex-roomate, Christina just moved out to her carer's place a few days ago. And i moved in with Pearl. :p Its so weird how people are connected. We were primary school mates and secondary classmates for three years (then i transferred to St. Mary's) and here we are. Just thought ill show you peepers (r u really? *sniggers* )my room before and after.
Guess which one's by table? No prizes if you guessed correct though.

After a night of tiresome planning and rearranging, TA-DA!

Converse shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess which one's by table? No prizes if you guessed correct though.
After a night of tiresome planning and rearranging, TA-DA!
Converse shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what i did on christmas eve, ahem...wash dishes?
My hostel has a big christmas dinner on christmas eve, u name it, we have it. Moreover, the fearsome Auntie Margeret has personally prepared almost all the dishes. Turkey, ham, chrsitmas pudding with brandy (its supposed to be nice, but no thanks for me ), prawns, tarts, and so on. My belly was really bulging after that. Me and Ida were the kitchen helpers that night, and we helped decorate the hall (Uncle even put some lovely Elvis Presley chirstmas music) but we washed a helll lot of dishes after that. Some pictures hey?

Auntie M with her Christmas pudding. She actually lighted the spoon (there was
metil spirit on it) and set the whole pudding
on blue fire.
Cool deco, u reckon? There's candy canes in the middle and festive crackers beside each plate. two people pull at two ends of the cracker, POPS, and there's a lil present inside.Cool!

Pssss...Yolanda and who at the back? The brandy gives me a headache but
Pearl thinks its heavenly.
Auntie M with her Christmas pudding. She actually lighted the spoon (there was
metil spirit on it) and set the whole pudding
on blue fire.
Pssss...Yolanda and who at the back? The brandy gives me a headache but
Pearl thinks its heavenly.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
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