My hostel has a big christmas dinner on christmas eve, u name it, we have it. Moreover, the fearsome Auntie Margeret has personally prepared almost all the dishes. Turkey, ham, chrsitmas pudding with brandy (its supposed to be nice, but no thanks for me ), prawns, tarts, and so on. My belly was really bulging after that. Me and Ida were the kitchen helpers that night, and we helped decorate the hall (Uncle even put some lovely Elvis Presley chirstmas music) but we washed a helll lot of dishes after that. Some pictures hey?
Auntie M with her Christmas pudding. She actually lighted the spoon (there was
metil spirit on it) and set the whole pudding
on blue fire.
Cool deco, u reckon? There's candy canes in the middle and festive crackers beside each plate. two people pull at two ends of the cracker, POPS, and there's a lil present inside.Cool!
Pssss...Yolanda and who at the back? The brandy gives me a headache but
Pearl thinks its heavenly.
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